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Uriel's Intra Life Council is not affiliated with any religion.  This gift is for everyone, no matter who you are, no matter how many angels, guides, animals, or ancestors you have assisting you now; this class will bring you a gift of unimaginable help.

The UCouncil is a tool for spiritual and personal growth that combines the old with the new. Since 2010, the development TEAM has been developing a program that will allow you to connect with Spirit (insert your own name for the Divine here) in such a way that will empower your daily life with success, as well as your spiritual growth. The class where you learn how to do this is affordable and takes only a few hours of your time.  The rest is on you to use this life-changing tool, so that it becomes your own.

Many of our classes are taught on-site in homes and centers where people gather who want to learn more about their personal connection with Spirit. You can check for places the class is taught, as well as who the teachers are.

If you have a center or business, or would like to be the host in your home for a UCouncil class, please contact us.


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"I use the UCouncil's ability to bring this energy to others who are currently struggling with life events. I found that my environment has shifted, that the people I like are more active in seeking me out so I have more conversational company, and I am confident that they wish to speak to me, job opportunities are showing up on my computer with very little effort."
J. R. Tampa Fl.