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What are People saying About the UCouncil

I asked for money to come in that I didn't have to work for. Within 2 days I was a given a "bonus" at work for no reason at all.

- K. M. Daytona Bch. Fl.


I do energy healing. My UCouncil is helping me with this. I didn't notice the difference right away. It seems to be amplified now, and I can feel them around me. Did I forget to mention that they are always with me in meditation now?

- F. M. Dade City Fl.


My heart seems to be opening up from a rock to a more pleasant flow of beautiful energy. It was a wonderful class, and I know I am not alone & when I go worrying about something, the UCouncil reminds me that I don't have to...Have a lovely day, and thank you so much ... All My Love,

- L. M. Tampa Fl.


For the first time since I can remember I know that I am not alone. When I go out now I actually feel empowered, It is wonderful!

- P. S. Winter Sprs. Fl.


I use the UCouncil's ability to bring this energy to others who are currently struggling with life events. I found that my environment has shifted, that the people I like are more active in seeking me out so I have more conversational company, and I am confident that they wish to speak to me, job opportunities are showing up on my computer with very little effort.

- J. R. Tampa Fl.


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"My heart seems to be opening up from a rock to a more pleasant flow of beautiful energy. It was a wonderful class, and I know I am not alone & when I go worrying about something, the UCouncil reminds me that I don't have to...Have a lovely day, and thank you so much ... All My Love,"
L.M. Tampa Fl.